Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just taking a break.....

Well, I don't have much of a blog for you today....mostly just me rambling because I need a break! I have been cleaning since about 7:45 and its now 1ish.....all of the kiddos are home today and on top of that I have 2 extras!

But I am glad that the kids are out of school for the rest of the week and get a break....just like I need a break sometimes so do they. And they have been helping me. Bailey helped me clean the fridge out and Zack helped me clean out the pantry. I just got done feeding them all lunch and they are playing outside....except for Sam...he is crawling around getting into just about everything he is not suppose to. I found him up one of the stairs a few minutes ago....not good.

Oh, and I still have so much to do! It took me all morning to get the fridge and pantry done...but those were big jobs, and they are all nice and organized and sanitized for now! The plan for today was to get all of my cleaning done and part of my Thanksgiving cooking done so I dont have so much to do in the morning. My family(s) are suppose to be here around noon tomorrow. And I always get major stressed if I don't have all of my stuff done how I want it done. But, I am trying my hardest not to stress.

One year some of my husbands cousins showed up early (they decided not to let us know this) and I was in my PJ's still cleaning, unshowered, unmakeuped, and just unprepared!! And they were cousins that I really didn't know that much so I was just very embarassed! I think they figured out they better call next time....hahaha. They haven't been back since....I must have scared them....I was looking pretty horrible!!!

I am excited for tomorrow. Its ONE of the few times per year that I get to see my dad and sisters. Birthdays and holidays....thats bout it. So I do enjoy getting to see them. And my sister is coming with all of her crew....needless to say our house will be crawling with kids! And then Mikes family will all be here...who I also like spending time with. Its going to be packed up in I am estimating about 25 people (including us) give or take a I better find some more chairs!!!! Oh great, I think I am making myself more stressed....I didnt realize thats how many people will be coming!!!!

Well, I better get off here and get back to cleaning. I suppose I have slacked off long enough!

Everyone have a blessed Thanksgiving and I hope you thank God for all of the wonderful things that he does in your lives. Let tomorrow be a BIG reminder for what HE does for you and your loved ones. Thank HIM!

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