Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random thoughts

Brrrrrr its getting cold out there today! It kinda makes me want to curl up and take a nap! Sounds nice, Sam is napping and its very quiet...except for the wind....its crazy out there. Last night we had a small lightening storm, and it was a peaceful storm. But, it did remind me that COLD was coming....which I never like. When it is cold I am like a bear in hybernation.....i stay in as much as possible! I guess bears stay in their homes all the time....but you catch my drift.....I dislike the cold!

So, it looks like I won't get that "cold day nap" hahaha. I have all ready spent most of my morning checking emails and trying to get my Christmas plans and activities organized. With all of the places we go it gets so overwhelming....and I have decided if we have to miss something....oh well! That is, besides church services...can't miss that! I want to spend more of my time devoted to what Christmas is really about.

For the past few weeks I have been looking for a Christmas Devotional for us to do as a family...but one that is more child appropriate so we can do crafts and things of that nature. I found a 12 day one that I really like and it works with the time frame that we have...since Mike doesnt get home till 6, we eat dinner, and kids are in bed and showered by 8:30 we don't have much time! So, anyways thats the plan!

Also, I have noticed on a lot of blogs (getting away from my topic...sorry) some women do a daily "to do" list. And I just thought that was a great idea. I often write myself a list, but I usually lose it, the kids take my notebook, or I just forget about it. And I also thought it would be a good journaling tool to look back and see how productive I am actually being!!! I know some days my time gets lost..and then I am fustrated with myself...lol. Christy, I initially saw this idea on your page but then noticed it on many others...so thanks for the idea! Im such an idea stealer!!!!

Okay so here is my first shot at this....let's see how much I actually get done!

Laundry- 2 loads (yes, including folding/put up) Almost, I ran out of hangers!

Clean my room

Regular daily cleaning (dishes, cabinets, sweeping, pick up junk around the house). done

Cook 2 meals (tonights and Thursdays)done

Make sure kids do their chores!done

Help kids with homework done

Make kids lunches for tomorrow done

Let's see how this works out for me!!! Later!


Michelle said...

jill, do you actually know christy?

If you go onto your dashboard, blogger has a to do list that is really neat. You just add it to your gadgets. I think you'll like it.

what's the name of the book you found?

Jill said...

YES, we use to do playdates together a while back! I saw her on your page and was like hey I know her! We lost contact so I was happy to see her again!

Cool about the list thing! I will try it...thanks :) You so smart :)

Actually found a website...its called the 12 days of Advent: http://www.just4kidsmagazine.com/advent1.html