But anyways, it still took me FOREVER! I think I am too indecisive. It took me 30 minutes to pick out candy to put in their stockings, and I only bought one small bag of candy....hahaha. Okay, I KNOW I'm indecisive. I knew I didn't want them to have too much candy, but hey they are kids and its Christmas...YES they are going to get some candy!!!
Some people think just because you let your kids have candy you feed them junk all the time....we RARELY have candy, junk, or coke around here. Actually, I am the only one that drinks cokes here unless we have a party/movie night then the kids may have a small amount. My kids are actually really good about drinking water....they could teach me a thing or two! And my 10 month old NEVER gets coke, junk, or candy just to clear that up....my neighbor has snuck him bites of donut and Mountain Dew, and I think Mike has done about the same....but im not going to freak out on them. Now, if they did it all the time I would! Actually Sam doesn't even really like table food all that much. He sticks to his formula and baby food...veggies and fruit....and he loves crackers!
Anyways, I got off topic didn't I....lol. Went off a bit. Sorry! Back to my story...not that it was much of one. Well, it took me forever to get my shopping done! I was there for like 4 hours! But, I spent much of that time standing in customer service....I dislike that place!!! I had to exchange an outfit that did not fit Bailey and it took like an hour! Then had to stand in line in photo to get my pics....stand in line in electronics to pay for the stuff I got back there...then on top of cmas shopping had to do my regular grocery shopping and pick up the items that I needed to make dinner for our church tonight!!! Then get home and Mike can't figure out what took me so long....lol. He should know by now that I take forever....a regular person could probably just go pick out their stuff...me it takes me 10 minutes to pick out what kind of bread I want....I'm not sure why I do that. I guess I think I am going to get ripped off if I don't browse the sales!!! I like to save money, with 4 kids I have to!
So, I am hoping that I don't have to go back to Wal-Mart for a while...lol. After last night I don't want to see that place again...it was crazy! But, I must say that it was nice to go and not have to worry about the kids bugging me or having to hurry. Sometimes a trip to Wal-Mart by myself is the only time alone I ever get!
Well, I am going to get off of here and get my chores done! Lots to do today!
- Regular cleaning
- Finish putting up laundry
- Clean out Rainbow
- Sam's bed new sheets
- Clean Sam's room
- Church dinner
OH MY I WOULD freak if someone were feeding sweets to Asa, you are mild mannered though. Millicent didnt have sweets until she was one.
But yea, my kids are like that too. I mean, they HAVE to have sweets and sodas sometimes right???? For sure, on Christmas morning!!
Going shopping by myself sounds WONDERFUL. Lucky dog!
I meant two..Mill didnt have sweets till she was 2.
lol it takes me forever also to go shopping i can not stand when chad comes with me it actually puts me in a bad mood cause he tries to rush me and i always forget to get stuff when he comes and he puts tons of crap in the buggy lol so he ruins my budget
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